Monday, February 27, 2012

Animal Farm Thoughts

Overall, I found the book to be really weird. I wish the animals would have fought back and formed a group to overthrow Napoleon. It would have made it a lot more interesting. Even if it happened right at the very end. I thought the end was dry and honestly, I saw it coming. Once all the rules were changed, I knew the pigs would take the human's spot. The concept of the book was interesting, I just found it weird to be about animals. The idea of talking animals to me doesn't seem much like literature, so it was hard for me to take it seriously. It's easy to relate this book to 1984 though since they both have to do with completely controlled governments. Napoleon is like Big Brother and the animals are like the citizens. Snowball could easily be compared to Winston since they both rebel.

1 comment:

  1. Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a "fairy story" so the talking animals part aren't supposed to be that weird as it's along the same lines as some of the Disney stuff where there are talking animals. He wrote it this way so that it wouldn't get banned because he wanted his warning of the corrupt Russian government to get out there.
