Monday, February 27, 2012

1984 Observation

Like Animal Farm, 1984 deals with one leader maintaining completely control over his society. The only difference in 1984 is the fact that someone actually rebelled. In Animal Farm, Snowball tried to rebel but was chased away. The other animals did nothing except follow Napoleon's rules. In 1984, there was a group of people (called the Brotherhood) that rebelled against Big Brother in secret. Winston also rebelled from the very beginning by keeping a diary of his thoughts. When he met Julia, they rebelled together. Although this turned out for the worse and they were captured/tortured, at least they stood up for their own rights. If they had more people on their side, their rebellion could have worked. Although a lot of the times rebellions don't change things, there are times when they are successful, and in this case I believe it could be if enough people joined in.

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